Monday, August 26, 2019

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Kindergarten!  I am delighted to have your child as a part of my class.  I am looking forward to an exciting year. To help start the year off right, here are a few things you should know:

Your child will need a backpack or bag to carry their belongings.  Please make sure that you label your child’s backpack and belongings.  
  • Snack:  We will have snack time everyday.  Your child should bring in a small snack each day.  If your child wants a drink other than a drink at the water fountain, please provide one. Also, if silverware is needed for their snacks please send it in with them.  Please let me know if your child has any food allergies that I should be aware of.  

  • Lunch:   We eat lunch from 11:15 to 11:40.  Hot lunch will be available every day.  Please look online for the monthly lunch menus.  Lunch costs $2.75, which includes milk. If your child brings a lunch and would like to buy milk, it costs $.50.  Please send lunch money in a labeled change purse or bag if you are not participating in the online payment method.   Don’t forget that the first day of school is a full day so your child will need to bring or buy a lunch and also a snack.  

  • Quiet time:  We will be having quiet time every day after lunch and recess.  I am asking that each child send in a beach towel to use during quiet time.  We will send them home periodically to be washed.

  •  Notes:  I can’t release your child from school without permission.  We are going to be using a new online dismissal system for you to notify the school if your child needs to be picked up or dismissed in a different way than usual. There will be more information to come about the new system from the office. I will also be sending notices, newsletters, or completed work. Please check your child’s backpack every night for their home/school folder.  

  • Supplies:  The supply list is on the Memorial School home page.  Thank you.  

  •    Schedule:  Our special schedule is as follows:

      Monday- Art (please send in a smock labeled with their name in a Ziploc bag)
       Tuesday-  Music
      Wednesday- Library /Health(alternates every week)
      Thursday- Gym (please wear sneakers)
      Friday- Gym (please wear sneakers)

**W We will also be having an extra special on Wednesdays.  The special schedule will rotate every 2 months. Our schedule is as follows: 
Sept /Oct.- Library
N Nov./ Dec.- Art
Jan./Feb.- Music
March/April- Health
May/June- Gym (Please wear sneakers on these days)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write me a note or contact me at school.  If you are trying to get in touch with me during the school day you can email me at or you can call the main office.  I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.  I look forward to a great year with your child!